presidential qualifications

    There is a common claim that Hillary Clinton was the most qualified person to ever run for the president of the United States.

    Is this true?

    Let’s compare.

presidentoccupationcabinet position
George Washingtonmilitary, farmer, surveyor
John Adamslawyer, teacher, farmer
Thomas Jeffersonlawyer, farmer, architect, inventorSecretary of State
James Madisonlawyer, military, authorSecretary of State
James MonroelawyerSecretary of State, Secretary of War
John Quincy AdamslawyerSecretary of State
Andrew Jacksonlawyer, military
Martin Van BurenlawyerSecretary of State
William Henry Harrisonmilitary
John Tylerlawyer
James K. Polklawyer
Zachary Taylormilitary
Millard Fillmorelawyer
Franklin Piercelawyer, military
James BuchananlawyerSecretary of State
Abraham Lincolnlawyer
Andrew Johnsontailor
Ulysses S. Grantmilitary
Rutherford B. Hayeslawyer, military
James A. Garfieldmilitary, teacher
Chester A. Arthurlawyer, teacher
Grover Clevelandlawyer
Benjamin Harrisonlawyer, military
Williiam McKinleylawyer, military
Theodore Rooseveltmilitary, author
William Howard Taftlawyer, judgeSecretary of War
Woodrow Wilsonlawyer, teacher
Warren G. Hardingeditor-publisher
Calvin Coolidgelawyer
Herbert Hooverengineer
Franklin D. Rooseveltlawyer
Harry S. Trumanmilitary, farmer, judge, haberdasher
Dwight D. Eisenhowermilitary
John F. Kennedymilitary, author, journalist
Lyndon B. Johnsonteacher
Richard Nixonlawyer
Gerald Fordlawyer
Jimmy Carterfarmer
Ronald Reaganactor
George H. W. Bushbusinessman
Bill Clintonlawyer
George W. Bushbusinessman
Barack Obamalawyer, teacher
Donald Trumpbusinessman
Henry ClaySecretary of State
Daniel WebsterSecretary of State
John C. CalhounSecretary of State, Secretary of War
William SewardSecretary of State
James BlaineSecretary of State
William Jennings BryanSecretary of State
John KerrySecretary of State
Hillary ClintonlawyerSecretary of State
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